May 25, 2015

R & R in Germany

About 2 months ago, Tammy and I bought a new home, well new to us, it is a 10 year old home. My mother will be moving down here from St. Louis and we decided to find a house that had a full basement so that we could put a 2 bedroom apartment in it for my mom. So we found this house and closed on the deal on April 3...

...but it needed a lot of attention. So, for the following 4 weeks we worked on the house, painting, patching holes, putting in new flooring, etc.

And yes, I got up on that scaffolding (12 feet high) and painted the ceiling. Now we are doing the unpacking. All this to say is that Tammy and I need a break! So in early June we will be flying to Germany. Part of the trip for Tammy is for a conference with her work and the rest will be R&R. For me it will be time spent with friends, maybe doing some mountain biking, but just hanging out and relaxing! 

I will be posting pics from our trip, so stay tuned!!!!