July 19, 2014

Day 7: Friday, July 18, 2014

With the Freedom Climb over, we, the band, decided to do a little exploration on our own. We headed to a place called Hanging Lake, near Glenwood Springs, CO. This was only a 1.5 mile hike, but it was all up, and when I say up, I mean up! But it was worth it! Although the lake was not big, it was beautiful, a turquoise color with a wide waterfall feeding it (see the pics). Above the lake on another trail that went up, was another water fall with water springing from the rocks in the side of the rocks (see the pics). We also found the chipmunks were very friendly...actually just hungry and they would come right up to you looking for food.

After coming down from Hanging Lake, we headed over to Aspen and the Maroon Bells which are a series of mountain peaks. This is also a National Park. Fortunately the walk from the parking lot to the lake in front of the Maroon Bells was a short walk. The views were amazing (see the pics)! From there we heading back home via Independence Pass, which is closed during the winter. Fortunately for us, its summer! Woot woot! It was an awesome trip to the pass which was just over 12,000 ft. This is also the Continental Divide. At the top we got out and took breath-taking pictures. The sun was just setting as we were leaving giving us even more amazing pictures.

After leaving Independence Pass, we headed straight for dinner in Breckenridge.

Today was the last day the team was together and we all had an amazing time. God was speaking to each of us during this time, challenging us in ways that expanded our territory. We had so many compliments on the worship, numerous ladies stating that all the worship team members were really worshipping and not trying to show off. They said that brought an aspect of worship that really lead the ladies into worship.

If I heard Kate correctly, she has been asked to do the same thing in September 2015...I'm for it!

I want to thank everyone who donated to our team and helping us get to Breckenridge and back. I also want to thank everyone who was praying for us while we were there. I pray God richly blesses you all!

This will be the last post until the next trip. Thanks again folks!

On the way to Hanging Lake via I-70

At the trailhead to Hanging Lake
Getting our hiking on!

Thomas and me on the way up to
Hanging Lake

Mr Dan Miller, BEAST!

The Team (minus me) to Hanging Lake

Water fall below Hanging Lake

A thoughtful Dan

Hanging Lake

Waterfall at Hanging Lake

Behind the water fall at Hanging Lake


Friendly chipmunks

Water sprouting from the rocks
at Hanging Lake

Maroon Bells

View of Independence Pass

View from Independence Pass

Independence Pass

Independence Pass

The Ride to Breckenridge

July 18, 2014

Day 6: Thursday, July 17, 2014

This was the last day of the Freedom Climb. The ladies as well as Josiah, Thomas and Alex, did their list 14,000 foot climb. Josiah and Thomas got up and close to a mountain goat that came right up to them. They also said that there were some ladies that continued to be beasts on the mountain flying up to the top and back. Incredible!

Worship that evening was probably the best we had all week. The ladies really connect with worship and I have to say that for the first time this week, I was able to really worship and not concentrate on what I was playing.

Dan and I did our own Freedom Climb. We decided to go to the top of the mountain behind Breckenridge Ski Area. We thought we could make it to the top, ride for a few miles along the Colorado Trail, and then back down into town and back to the house...in about 5 hours. Well, that was a nice thought, especially seeing that the top of the mountain was around 13,000 ft and the house is sitting right around 10,000 ft...no problem! We knew we would be doing a lot of climbing, but what we didn't expect was how long it would take.

We got lost a couple times, but we got back on track, and for the next 3 hours we climbed to just a little over 12,500 ft, right where the service road met the trail. We made one of our goals which was to get above the tree line. While we didn't quite make our ultimate goal of getting to the top of the mountain, we got a new respect for these ladies and what they did by climbing to 14,000 ft. It gave Dan and I the experience of what the ladies were climbing for, and that is to help stop human trafficking and slavery!

We chilled for a few minutes on the mountain, even had a snowball fight, and then we started down. What took us 3 hours to climb, we rode down all the way to the town of Breckenridge in 35 minutes! What an adventure, and what a great cause!

On our way up the mountain

Dan with a camera on his head

Top of our ride/climb.
Dan throwing snowballs!

Our elevation

Panorama at the top

Alpine flowers

Having a bite to eat before the ride down

Freedom Climb Ladies

Kate leading worship

Worship at the lodge (Dan and Kate)

Worship (Kate and Thomas)

Sunset at the lodge

Elevation profile of our climb/ride

Day 5: Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Beautiful days in Colorado continue. The women continued their climbs today, although the guys chose to take this day off from climbing. They didn't prep for these types of climbs, and to their defense, none of them knew that they were going to make these climbs until the last minute. They said it was a much needed break, however Thomas did say that he missed climbing today. They all said they have a new respect for these women as some of them were beasts climbing up and down the mountain.

It was a chill set for worship this evening with Josiah on guitar and both Josiah and Kate leading. I ran the lyrics and the others enjoyed worshipping. After worship, Jill (although its pronounced Jzhill) from Brazil spoke. Although she spoke for over an hour, what she said was amazing. What was even more amazing is that she thought she was speaking tomorrow and not today. She told stories about how parents in Brazil and other countries would sell their children into slavery, never to be seen again. Operation Mobilization's Freedom Climb helps these children by stepping in through the churches in these countries to help give these children a chance. Unfortunately some still get kidnapped back into slavery. The more I find out about Freedom Climb, the more I am seeing how the enemy doesn't like this...which is why Freedom Climb is very important to children and women, not only in 3rd world countries, but even here in the United States.

During the day, Dan and I went to Keystone and did some shredding going down hill. AMAZING!!! We took the ski lift to the top of the mountain and then went downhill on the trails. The first trip up was a bit intimidating, mainly from the fear of the unknown. But once we got down to the bottom, we couldn't wait to get back up. The first trip we took the "green" trails. The guy at the ticket counter at the base said their "greens" were our "blues" and our "blues" were their "advanced." For those who don't know, green is easy, blue is intermediate, black is advanced. Here at Keystone (and maybe others, I don't know), they even had a double-black diamond...to me this means the risk of injury or death...lol!

The dude was right, the greens were very  much like our blues. The second trip we took mostly black runs. These got me very nervous. I was able to do them, but I was very uncomfortable doing them. They were filled with 1 to 2 foot drops off of rocks and roots which you landed on other rocks and roots. The main thing is that I did it! About 2/3 of the way down I had had enough of the black runs and we came to an intersection where one way was green and the other was black. Dan took the black and I took the green. Amazing that where the  two trails re-connected we came out at the same time. Dan said it was crazy and intimidated him. He also said I chose the correct route! Ha! But props to Dan, no spills.

Finally in the 3rd time going up the lift it started raining and sleeting on us. When we got to the top we started to hear thunder so we decided since this was our last run, we would take the greens and blues just to get down the mountain due to lightening. Unfortunately during the 2nd run, Dan's contact came out and so he was now riding with only one contact in. We just left the top of the mountain when he took a little spill, nothing major. It rained and sleeted on most of our run down the mountain, and yes there was lightening. We probably did our fastest going down of all three runs. Dan took another spill on a small bridge, but to his credit he was riding with only one contact. When we got down to the bottom of the mountain we were covered in mud. There was a bike wash at the base of the mountain so we not only hosed off the bikes, but ourselves as well.

Base at Keystone
Top of Keystone

Dan at the bike wash
Me at the bike wash

Kate and Josiah leading worship
The women of Freedom Climb

Fitting lyrics for worship
Kate leading worship

Jill speaking

July 15, 2014

Day 4: Tuesday, July 15, 2014

It was an early one for Josiah, Thomas and Alex as they had to be at the lodge at 330 AM to head for Mt. Elbert. This mountain is the tallest of all the mountains that are being climbed on this mission trip. All the guys made it to the top before the storms hit but it was a long hike. The guys and the ladies from Freedom Climb hiked for 9 hours to get to the top of Mt. Elbert. They made it back just in time for dinner at the lodge. Some of the pictures I've seen from the top of Mt. Elbert were amazing! (sorry, don't have any of those to post here).

Meanwhile, Dan and I took an easy day on the trails. Kate drove us up to the trailhead at over 10,700 ft. We did mostly downhill, but not before climbing to over 11,200 ft. The downhill was some of the steepest I've ever done! It was a little un-nerving, but I did it and loved it! When we finished we stopped to get lunch, and just in the nick of time too as a storm moved over Breckenridge and dropped pea sized hail on us.  Fortunately, neither of us took any spills on the trails, which was a good thing!

Worship tonight was great! Dan and I started playing during dinner and then we went right into worship. It took a while for the ladies to get settled from the days climbs, but when we entered into worship it was awesome! (see the pics below).
Freedom Climb Ladies during Worship

The Worship Team
(from the left) Thomas, Josiah, Kate, Me, Dan

Freedom Climb Worship
View From the Bakers Tank Trailhead
Bakers Tank at the trailhead
