July 14, 2014

Day 3: Monday, July 14, 2014

For part of our team, it was a very early rise this morning. Josiah, Thomas and Alex (the videographer from New York) were at the lodge at 430 AM. Their climb today was to consist of climbing two 14,000+ ft peaks. Unfortunately they only climbed one due to altitude sickness. However a good portion of the ladies made both climbs today!

While they were climbing, Dan and I rented bikes and rode 15 miles today. Our route took us immediately up above 10,000 ft and for most of our ride we stayed above 10,000 ft with our highest being a little over 10,200 feet. The downhill was excellent. However we thought we'd be smart and take a trail up to our house. What we didn't know was that this trail was mostly straight up, and after doing 14 miles at that point, our legs and lungs were nearly dead.

We got to the lodge to do worship which was excellent. Although the ladies were very tired from their climb, they really got into worship. Right before worship a young woman from Moldova told us about the atrocities the young women and children experience in Moldova which has the highest rate of human trafficking in Europe. Operation Mobilization is working with the local churches in Moldova to help these women and children. This is a very good cause!

Josiah, Thomas and Alex will be getting up even earlier tomorrow morning (Tuesday) as they will be climbing Mount Albert, the highest peak in the series of peaks that the Freedom Climbers are climbing.

Please keep praying for us, the worship team, and these ladies as they climb the 14,000 ft mountains in central Colorado!
Dan after riding down to the old mine
View of the mountains in the background

Trail between the piles of rocks from the mines
Me at the mine

View from a little further up the trail, but still at the mine

More views from the mine 

Dan after his spill

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