September 24, 2011

Guyana Trip Cancelled

Due to many doors closing on this trip, we felt that November is not the right time to go to Guyana. Therefore it has been post-poned. We WILL go there, however no new date has been determined as of today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

July 13, 2011

Next Adventure - Guyana, South America

Check back to this blog for our next adventure, which takes us to Guyana, South America, November 3 - 10, 2011. We will go into the jungles of northeast Guyana and minister to the Amerindians, along with Pastor Foster Caines, on a short term mission trip.

July 12, 2011

Final Post - Day 14 , July 12

We cant believe that our journey has ended, but it ended on an unexpected note. We will start where the last blog left off, yesterday at the Oktoberfest at the Humpeneder's. By the time everything was packed up we didn't leave Bergoberbach until about 1130 PM last night. It was slightly longer than an hours drive to Wurzburg and so we didn't get back to Manu's place until about 1245 AM this morning. We still had to re-pack our luggage and distribute the weight so that we would come under 23 kilos. Our first 2 attempts failed...over 23 kilos, but the 3rd time worked. By the time we got the luggage packed it was 130 AM Tuesday (730 PM Monday Atlanta time). Here is where it gets fun...we had to get up at 430 AM Tuesday (1030 PM Monday) in order to shower and drive to Frankfurt to be at the airport by 645 AM Tuesday (1245 AM Tuesday Atlanta time). And it all worked out, we got to Frankfurt airport around 715 AM (115 AM Atlanta time). Here is where the surprise happened...I already checked in online the night before, and we had seats in row 36. When we got to Frankfurt Airport, we dropped our bags off, and the dude behind the counter said "here are your new boarding passes." I was thinking, hmmm, that's interesting, I guess the paper ones we printed out were not good enough. I took a few steps and took a closer look at the boarding passes and told Tammy..."hey, I think we just go put in first class." I took another close look and saw "Sky Priority" and "Prem" where it would normally say zone 3 or zone 4...but the biggest tell sign was that we were now in row 8, and I was right, Delta bumped us up to Business Elite, and we didn't do anything to get it. God really blessed us with that! The flight was really good, especially being in 1st class. Check it out, the seats recline out to a full 180 degrees, plus the food was great!

We landed on time (145 PM), got through customs relatively easy (had a delay in getting our luggage due to a thunderstorm over the airport, they had to pull the crews off the tarmac and into the buildings). Thanks to Steve Hall for picking us up at the airport!

After Tammy and me got home, we decided that after 2 weeks of bread, cheese, and various kinds of pork (which, by the way, we totally enjoyed!) we needed a change and went out for sushi.

For this blog, I have been doing the writing and Tammy has been proof reading my typing (which was required...LOL). However I wanted to add both of our final thoughts from the trip, so here it goes...

Kent's Perspective...
While this was our honeymoon, it was a honeymoon surrounded by friends and family, our German family. Having said that, our wedding was out of the box and so this shouldn't surprise anyone. I really enjoyed this trip in addition to the obvious (with my new wife). The relationships between myself and the Humpeneders grew deeper, and that was awesome. While it would have been nice for Tammy and me to tour Germany on our own, we would have seen only the "tourist" areas and not experience the German culture. Spending our time with the Humpeneders allowed us to experience the culture of the German people and that was great!

My favorite part of the trip
Well actually I had 2 parts I really enjoyed. First, I loved hiking through the Alps which happened early on in the vacation. Second, I really enjoyed speaking to Marcus' class and I hope I get to do that again.

Most memorable moment
I have a couple "most memorable moments." While the whole trip will remain engrained in my memory, two events really stand out. First, the Oktoberfest we had at the Humpeneders the night before we left. We know that they did this just for us and really for that reason that is my most memorable and it really shows how they have accepted me and Tammy into their extended family, their American family. Second, was the first day we got to Germany. Manuel and Christiana took us on a walk to the Marienburg Castle that evening, and we sat on the wall overlooking the city of Wurzburg. We had wine and cheese as the sun was setting on the city, it was really romantic and beautiful.

Tammy's Perspective...
This trip was my first out of the US, a big step for me. I have always wanted to travel abroad, my first experience could not have been more wonderful. Two and a half years ago Kent and I had just started talking through Facebook and over the phone when he made his first trip to Germany, I was able to follow his trip through emails that he sent me while he was gone. How wonderful God is to let me experience first hand the beauty Kent had written me about so early in our relationship. The marvelous beauty of the Alps is undescribale by words, and to be able to hike on those mountains is an experience like none other. We were able to share our honeymoon with a wonderful family, each one of them were so welcoming to me, I can't wait to see them again. I loved the cities that we visited and the people, I love other cultures, so it was amazing to experience it with my new German family and my husband.

Most memoriable moment
I will forever have etched in my mind the view from the Marienburg Castle, sitting so high above the city with Kent. The lights of the city were beautiful, it was like my own Thomas Kincaid painting come to life! There were so many more moments for me that will be memoriable, everything was new and exciting, from the old town streets with their beautiful architecture to the most wonderful friends and food. God has truely blessed me and I am so very thankful.

Day 13 - July 11

It started out as a slow day. We got up kind of late, had breakfast and lingered around the house for a few hours. Gerhard got home around 2 and we had a birthday lunch for him...he turned 59. The family got him a stand alone stove, unfortunately they have to send it back because it was damaged in the shipping. After that me, Tammy and Manu went into Ansbach to walk around the old town area. We stopped at a cafe and had coffee ice cream. Christina met up with us at that point, along with her mother.

Later that evening, we had our Oktoberfest at the Humpeneder's and dressed up in our dirndls and lederhosen..all of us. We got many pictures of us dressed in traditional German clothes...Jurgen here I come. After a dinner of pancake soup, white brats and wieners, potato salad, a blood sausage and vinegar salad, a pasta salad, and a Black Forest cake. After we ate, Manu brought out a small keyboard and I played and sang Happy Birthday, a German birthday song, and then Amazing Grace, which is Gerhard's favorite song. After I finished playing Amazing Grace I saw tears in his eyes. After we packed and loaded up the car, it was time to say good bye, and as I expected, it was teary. Tammy and I will sure miss our German family, and they ate already thinking of what to do on our next trip to Germany. Some of them said they are going to make the trip over to America, and I hope they do. They are a wonderful, loving family who considers me and Tammy one of their own.

New pics will be posted with our final blog post coming in a few hours.

July 10, 2011

Day 12 - July 10

Fortunately we were able to sleep in a bit and had a good breakfast. Afterward breakfast we finished grading Marcus' papers for his English class...and we were able to do them all, much to Marcus' surprise.

After a nice Sunday dinner with roasted pork and knoedel (a potato dumpling), we decided to drive to Hesselberg. We weren't entirely sure about going because it was very warm...well hot, but we are glad we decided to go because by the time we got to the hill, some thunderstorms developed in the distance and put a nice cloud shield over us making it cooler. We were not able to park at the top, so we had to walk up, which was nice, but again, thanks to Dan and his leg workouts!! We got to the top and it was beautiful! Much warmer than when I was here last! Fortunately, unlike yesterday, the biting flies were not totally unbearable! Found out that during the war, the US had an installation on top of the hill. Hesselberg is the highest point in the Ansbach region, and it is said that on a very clear day you can see the Alps from the top.

The storm clouds started getting closer, so we decided to leave and head to Brunn, which has a small lake near it. We actually went to the lake, passing through the small village of Brunn. We saw the Humpeneder's pastor at the lake. We stayed only a few minutes as the storms were getting closer...really it was the bolts of lightning that drove us off!

This evening we will view all the pictures the 3 of us have taken. Mine alone amount to over 1100! Tomorrow is our last full day in Germany, not sure what we will be doing during the day, but after Gerhard gets home from work, we will have a mini Oktoberfest to celebrate his birthday, complete with dirndls and lederhosen. We will then drive back to Würzburg, but not until what I believe will be a tearful goodbye.

To see pics, copy this link to your browser...

July 9, 2011

Day 11 - July 9

What we thought would be a relatively slow day compared to the last week or so ended up being rather busy. We started by touring the gardens of a mansion/castle close by called Castle Dennenlohe. It is currently owned (and lived in) by the duke and his family. The duke, who is a 7th generation duke, also led the tour. We thought we would see the interior of the castle, but we ended up seeing the gardens. They were beautiful gardens...see the pics...and it was apparent by how the duke talked that he was really into gardening...too bad we couldnt understand him as the tour was in German...our loss!

After the gardens we went to a castle, or at least then grounds of a castle in Sommersdorf, about 4km from Bergoberbach. This castle is privately owned but they rent out the gardens for special events, like weddings, parties, etc. This was the only castle we saw on this trip that had a mote around it.

After the castle we went to the Humpeneder family reunion at a park just outside of Sommersdorf. We saw Jurgen's mom and dad, his 2 sisters and brother, as well as his uncles. By the way, Jurgen, they all said hi! There was a large pond/small lake at this park, and Marcus, Michael and me went swimming. After we went swimming, we took a walk around the lake. Marcus told us that there was a section of the lake where clothing is optional. We found it! There was only one naked person, and I tried to get a picture, but it didn't turn out...sorry!

After the reunion, we went to Gerhard and Erikas property in the woods for an evening snack. Unfortunately the flies were making snacks out of us. We stayed there about an hour then drove a short distance to the "Bible Way" which was a walk where you would walk for about 1.2 miles and view different scriptures on stone posts. While we did this, Marcus wanted to geo-cache and there was a location on this walk. We got to the location, but never found any log or anything, so we walked bank to the cars.

For what was suppose to be a slow day, we took just over 200 pictures. No I didn't upload them all, but check out what I did upload.

Tomorrow we go to Hesselberg which is the highest point in the Ansbach region, then to a gardens that was suggested by thenpastors husband last week.

See our pics at...

July 8, 2011

Day 10 - July 8 Update

Today was our last day of touring the cities and it ended on a high note. We went to Heidelberg which is one of my favorite cities and castles. We first toured the castle which is about as old as Nürnburg Castle dating back to the 11th and 12th centuries. This makes it one of the oldest castles we toured on this trip. Unfortunately the castle was destroyed by lightning and the subsequent fire on 2 occasions, once in the 1500s and again in the 1700s. After the fire in the 1700s, it was never rebuilt, although in the 19th and 20th centuries some rebuilding happened but the castle is roughly in the same shape it was in after the fire in the 1700s. The architecture of Heidleberg castle covers many periods as different parts of the castle were added at different times over the centuries. The remaining in-tact structures are now used for weddings, large parties, etc. See the pics.

After touring the castle we went into the old town Heidelberg, ate and shopped. For lunch we stopped at a local brewery in Heidelberg where I had pork stuffed pigs stomach. I wanted to step out of the box and this time it ended up alright, in fact the meat was good. It tasted like Spam but with more flavor, richer, and less fat. We stopped at the city gate which is on one end of the bridge that spans the Rhine river. See the pics.

What is interesting about The castle and city of Heidelberg is that they were never bombed during World War 2. This was due to the American forces making Heidelberg and some surrounding villages a US military installation during the war.

Tomorrow we will tour a neighboring castle close to Bergoberbach, and then go to the Humpeneder family reunion...this should be interesting.

See our pics at...

After I posted the blog last night, Tammy and I were helping Marcus grade tests from his English class. Michael came put in his police uniform and arrested pics prove it and everything, although it would be more believable if he was wearing shoes at the time...see the pics. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY...after that we went back to grading and shortly after they called us out to the patio area. When we walked out there they had sparklers going and then gave us wedding gifts...totally unexpected!! They gave Tammy a dirndl and me a lederhosen. We tried them on and got pics. But what was funny was that the night I put on lederhosen with Manuel and Michael, those were the lederhosen they got for me, they were seeing if they would fit me, and for Tammy, Erika offered to do our laundry...but to get Tammy's clothing size...those sneaky Germans!!! Hey and lederhosen...Oktoberfest...Helen...2011!!! Check the pics of me and Tammy in our gifts.

Day 9 - July 7

Quite a busy day today. We started by getting on the train to Nürnburg. Nürnburg is only about 25 miles from Bergoberbach, but parking is expensive in Nürnburg and Tammy has never taken a train before. She said she liked it. We got to Marcus' school and he introduced both Tammy and me to his class. When he did he opened up the black board and on it was written "ask an American with real Americans." they had been studying American culture and so all of their questions were geared to that. They asked questions about Obama, gun control, dating, American cars, food, etc. A lot of their views were based on American tv shows and movies...not a real good database and so I had to correct They had prepared questions for me, but as usual we took a few rabbit trails off the main course, but it was very good.

After speaking we went to a bier Garten for lunch and then to the Documentation Museum. I was here last time, but going though it again still amazed me and made my heart hurt. Nürnburg was the government center for Hitler. This is where he staged the big parades, had the 3 big swasticka flags flying, this is also where there were many videos shown of Hitler and 2 others walking to the memorial of the fallen soldiers. Therefore the German government decided this would be the place to have this museum. This museum was about the rise of Hitler and the atrocities he did and how he carried them out. It showed not only how the German army did what Hitler said, but the atrocities against the Jews and how the Americans liberated the Jews and help defeat the German army. We all walked out of the museum with hurting hearts. One of the main reasons they built this museum was to let it be a warning/reminder to future generations.

After the museum we went to the castle, which happened to be the oldest that we have seen on this trip. It is also the only castle in which no one ever lived, it was used like a hotel to royalty who were passing through but needed to conduct government business. This castle had no furniture, but it was due to the traveling nature of the royalty...they took their beds with them where ever they went. This castle was also an important place to the Roman government. There were 34 Roman emperors that had their first meal there (a tradition). This castle was 70% destroyed during World War 2, and the only place in the castle that wasn't damaged by the bombing was th chapel...hmmm...go figure!

After the castle we walked back to the train station, but on the way we stopped at a cafe for some really REALLY good ice cream. I normally don't eat ice cream (LGN diet), but this was AWESOME!!! While we were waiting for the train, a storm was approaching, complete with shelf and roll cloud. There was no shelter where we had to wait and we couldnt leave because the train was only minutes away. So the race was on...train against the storm. Thank You Jesus he held off the rain unti, right when the train got there. In fact we saw it and all of us were yelling "hurry!" The train won!

Tomorrow we go to Heidelburg which will be the last city in our tour, it is also my favorite city and castle!

Check out the pics...

July 6, 2011

Day 8 - July 6

It was kind of a slow day, relatively speaking based on the past few days of driving and walking. While we did drive and walk, it was only to Ansbach which was a 5 to 10 minute drive from Bergoberbach. We stopped by Christina's parents place and walked to The Residenz, a castle where royalty not only lived but also did much of their government business. This castle dated back into 1400s. The sister of Alexander the Great and Princess of Prussia lived here at one time. While walking to the Residenz, we saw Jurgen's mom and sister at a cafe in Ansbach (yes Jurgen, we got a picture). The Residenz was nice, although the tour was only in German (they did have a pamphlet in English, but it told very little of each room). Manuel did most of the translation (by the way, I ordered Rosetta stone to learn Deutsch).

After touring the Residenz, we walked over to the gardens and got many pictures of the beautiful flowers. We also got some action pictures...see the pics.

Tomorrow looks rather exciting. We are taking the train to Nürnburg, then I will be speaking at Marcus' English class where his students will ask me questions on English and then after I answer, I will ask questions in English and they have to respond in English.. These are 11th graders...23 of them. This should be a lot of fun. Afterwards we will tour a museum, go to the castle (one I didn't get to the last time I was here because it was closed), and then some shopping.

Check out the pics...

Day 7 - July 5...updated

Today was a full days trip. We went to one of my favorite castles...Neuschwanstein, which is located in Schwangau, about a 3 hour drive from Bergoberbach at the edge of the Alps. We left around 630 AM. The weather was beautiful, 70s and sunny. When I was here 2 years ago, it was March and the day we visited, the ground was still covered with snow. Much much different this time. The flowers were blooming, the trees had leaves...just beautiful. We toured the castle, but while we were waiting we met several people from the Atlanta area. We heard a lot of Americans talking, as well as Germans, Estonians, was basically a melting pot of cultures in this one little area. Our tour was in English. Nueschwanstein is a relatively young castle built in the mid to late 1800s. Walt Disney patterned Cinderellas castle after Neuschwanstein. The owner, King Ludwig was about 40 years old when he died, unfortunately the castle was not finished when he died (unexpectedly) and it remains in just about the same condition that it was in when he died. Only about a third remains unfinished. The other two thirds look beautiful with a lot of the decorations patterened after the music and plays of Richard Wagner, who was a good friend of King Ludwig.

After the tour we walked up to the bridge that looks toward the castle. After a nice hike back to the base of the mountian, we had a nice lunch and then we hiked over to a lake and then did some shopping. We got back to Bergoberbach about 8 PM.

Please check out the latest pics...

Tomorrow we go to Ansbach to tour the castle and the gardens around the castle.

One thing I forgot to mention about the trip to Neuschwanstein...Manuel drives a Honda Jazz, rather a small car which fits 5 people...if they are small, but really 4 average size adults. Remember I said it was a 3 hour drive to was also 3 hours the heat...with 5 adults...6 hours total. Needless to say we felt a bit claustrophobic. Fortunately we were on the autobahn which the average speed we were going was between 140 and 160 US terms...about 85 to 95 MPH.

July 4, 2011

Day 6 - July 4

Happy Birthday America!! Unfortunately the Germans do not celebrate Independence Day, so....

Had a great day today. Went to Rotenburg o.d.T. (over the river in German). We left about 930 this morning, stopped at Colmburg Castle, then spent the rest of the day in Rotenburg. One of the first things we did was tour the Criminal Justice Museum. This told how crimes were dealt with in the medieval days, including torture, how sentences were passed, how people were convicted of crimes, oh and of some of the stupid laws people would break, such as...
Men thinking bad thoughts
Women babbling too much (gossip)
People playing music badly (look at the picture to see what they had to wear when they broke this law)
And many others
Afterwards we walked the town and then came back to Bergoberbach. When we got home, we took the dogs for a walk and stopped by a kneipbecken, which is a mineral pool that helps relieve pain/stress from your feet, legs and I guess whatever else that ails you.

The weather was beautiful, 70s! It looks like it will stay warm for the rest of our vacation. Because of the threat of rain on Friday, we will be traveling to Neuschwanstein tomorrow, about a 3 hour drive south of here on the edge of the Alps. We have to leave here by 6 AM.

Updated pictures are at...

July 3, 2011

Day 5 - July 3

In keeping with the church tradition of resting on Sunday, we did. We went to the Humpeneder's church this morning, a protestant church. Michael's girlfriend went there for the first time and really liked it and said she would go back again. It was a good service, they sang songs that we knew, however all but one was sung in German. The one that wasn't, the pastor told us was sung in English in honor of us. In fact, when the service started, she said they had some Americans visiting and were on their honeymoon...we got a round of applause. After church I talked with the pastor about bringing a short term mission team to their church. She was very interested in this and she wants to start communication about a possible trip...pretty cool!

After everything was over at the church, Erika showed us the classrooms that she teaches in. The church service is held in the local school. We went back to the Humpeneder's house, had lunch (goulash...very good), watched the pictures from our wedding from Paul and Aprils web

We kinda lounged around the house during the afternoon and evening, actually a good day of rest for the up coming week...quite a bit is planned. I did managed to get lured into wearing lederhosen. They were Gerharts, but since Manuel and Michael wore them, I thought why not. We did get pictures and I will upload them tomorrow.

July 2, 2011

Day 4 - July 2

Today was a long but fun day. We went to Oberstdorf, a village in the Alps in southwest Germany. Gerhart and Erika signed all of us up for a bus ride to a ski resort in Obertsdorf which took about 3 hours to get there from Bergoberbach. Once we got there we took the gondola up to the top of the mountain which was a little over 9000 ft. There wasn't any snow on the ground where we were but we could see snow on some of the higher peaks around us. Once we got to the top we walked about 4 to 5 miles around the top of the mountain, going to a few other peaks and then eventually back to the gondola to go down to the base of the mountain. It was absolutely beautiful on top of the mountain. The views were spectacular and the pictures just doesn't do it justice! A few showers moved over us and yes, for the 2nd time in Germany it snowed on us...not much, but enough to say it snowed on us. Yes it was cold, about 40 degrees on top of the mountain! Also for a 2nd time in Germany, I had my cup of coffee on top of the mountain at a ski resort in Alps...and for the 1st time Tammy had her cup of hot chocolate on top of the mountain at a ski resort in the Alps.

The flowers that were on top of the mountain were beautiful, and for being as cold as it was up there, it was amazing how pretty they were.

After we got down the mountain, we had a nice dinner. I had roasted deer medallions with spatzel (a small German noodle)...very good, and Tammy had wiener schnitzel without the breading in brown sauce and spatzel. It was sehr gut!

While we were at the restaurant, me, Tammy, Christina and Manuel got VERY sleepy and thought we would sleep on the bus ride home. Unfortunately the bus ride was warm, loud, and...well several of the people had beer before they got on the bus...and beer while ON the bus, and...well you can guess the rest. We even thought at one time someone was coming around taking orders for beer, but we were tired and turned the other way.

I have to give kudos to my trainer Dan Miller. The leg workouts really paid off today. Other than being out of breathe due to the altitude, my legs were fine...which is amazing given the elevation change we walked today...thanks Dan!

Tomorrow we are going to church with Manuel's family and then resting from the past few days.

We've added pictures from today so take a look...

July 1, 2011

Day 3 - July 1

It ended up being a rather filled day. We started be going to the cathedral that overlooked Wurzburg. Got some beautiful shots both inside and outside the cathedral. Of all the catholic churches I have been too, both Tammy and I agree that thisnwas the most ornate cathedral we have ever been to. Although it was dark inside, the camera compensated for it. Aerwards we walked back downhill and stopped at a cafe called Auflauf. This restaurant specialized in casserole dishes. Tammy had a spicy noodle casserole with chicken and zucchini, tomatoes, coconut, curry and melted Gouda cheese on top. I had a German ravioli stuffed with pork and spinach, topped with tomatoes and melted Gouda cheese. We both had this beer that was mixed with lemonade, it was very tasty!

We went back to Manuel and Christina's flat, packed and headed to Manuel's folk's house in Bergoberbach, which is near Ansbach. When we got there we had a welcome sign on the garage door for us. We got to see Erika and Gerhart, Grandma, Michael and his new girlfriend whichnwe call Pam because we cannot pronounce her name, and also Marcus and Stefanie. It was a very good reunion, especially with Marcus as we have been chatting on skype since my last trip to Germany. The family made a big barbecue for us, which consisted of pork, small bratwurst, turkey breast, plus side dishes of potato salad, mozzarella cheese with tomato topped with balsamic vinegar...and beer! We had a good time, we heard how each couple met, and then I told how Tammy and I met and then how we got engaged. When I talked, Manuel and Marcus interpreted for Grandma.

Tomorrow we head to the alps to climb a mountain near Oberstdorf...pray for us!

Check this web site for my latest picture updates...

June 30, 2011

Day 2 - June 30

Today was a day of a lot of foot work. We had a really good night sleep and got the day started off with crumbled eggs and meat! We walked around Wurzburg, first to the Dom (pronounced dome), a catholic church that was mostly destroyed during the last few days of World War 2. On the day the Dom was destroyed, so also was 90% of Wurzburg, mostly done by British forces. A funny thing happened while we were in the Dom. We were standing in the back by the entrance and one of the attendants came over to me and started speaking something in German. Fortunately Christina was there to help me out, however when she told the attendant that I was American and didn't understand German, she said it in English...LOL!

After the Dom, we stopped to get a döner, which is a Turkish gyro made of lamb topped with steamed cabbage and carrots and zaziki sauce which is a yogurt based sauce. We also got pommes, which is German for french fries. We took these to some picnic tables along the Main (pronounced mine) River and had a really nice lunch...and so did the yellow jackets who wanted to help us eat our lunch.

After lunch we went to the Residenz and took the tour in English. The Residenz is a government building which dates back into the middle ages. Most of this building was also destroyed by British forces on the same day as the Dom. The Residenz was visited by Napoleon and other high dignitaries from countries as far away as Japan and China. It also has beautiful gardens and a Bier Garten. They were having a special Weinfest (where they served wine and beer) in the Bier Garten which we refused to pass up...LoL!

On then way back to Manuel and Christina's flat, we stopped and got ice cream and coffee. Since Germany is about as far north in latitude as Nova Scotia, the sun doesn't set here until 10 pm which, for Tammy and I, confuses us because we lose all track of time.

I've uploaded new pics to my picasa sight, here is the link to the album...

Tomorrow we visit a bit more of Wurzburg and then we are off to Bergoberbach (about 1 1/2 hours south of Wurzburg). This is where we will be staying for the next week or so and it is the home of Manuel's parents.

June 29, 2011

Day 1 - Part 2

After a nice nap, we had a little snack and then walk to the Marienberg Castle which sits up on top of a hill overlooking Wurzburg. We took some snacks, a bottle of wine and sat on top of the wall surrounding the castle. Some of the pictures are from that wall. After a nice walk back to Manuel's flat, we had another snack and now we are in bed. We will do some more sight seeing in Wurzburg, eat more German food and have a good time! Hopefully the weather will hold, it was really nice here in Wurzburg, lower 80s and a few showers moved over us.

To see a few pictures, click on the following link...

You may have to copy and paste the link to your browser ( having problems with my iPad uploading pictures and links to the blog)

Day 1 - June 29. We Made It!

We made it! We arrived a little late in Frankfurt...about 1 hour late and that was due to us leaving the ground late in Atlanta. The flight was good, no problems. Got a little sleep, Tammy got less but over all it was a good flight.

Manuel and Christina were waiting for us when we got through customs. It was so good to see both of them. On the ride back to Wurzburg Tammy slept most of the way. The lack of sleep was catching up with her. By the time we got to Wurzburg, the lack of sleep was catching up with me as well. It was also catching up with Manuel as he only had about 3 hours of sleep last night. So although it is 1125 am German time (525 am Atlanta time) we are now all taking naps!

After we wake and get going, we are going to walk around Wurzburg a little, hopefully check out some pubs. I will post again this evening along with some pics.

June 23, 2011

Honeymoon in Germany

We will be traveling to Germany (Deutschland) for our honeymoon, leaving Tuesday, June 28 and arriving in Frankfurt, Germany the next morning. We come back home on Tuesday, July 12. Most of our travels will be in the state of Bavaria. We will try to put up a new post with some pictures (hopefully) each day we are gone, we hope you enjoy!