July 8, 2011

Day 9 - July 7

Quite a busy day today. We started by getting on the train to Nürnburg. Nürnburg is only about 25 miles from Bergoberbach, but parking is expensive in Nürnburg and Tammy has never taken a train before. She said she liked it. We got to Marcus' school and he introduced both Tammy and me to his class. When he did he opened up the black board and on it was written "ask an American with real Americans." they had been studying American culture and so all of their questions were geared to that. They asked questions about Obama, gun control, dating, American cars, food, etc. A lot of their views were based on American tv shows and movies...not a real good database and so I had to correct them...lol. They had prepared questions for me, but as usual we took a few rabbit trails off the main course, but it was very good.

After speaking we went to a bier Garten for lunch and then to the Documentation Museum. I was here last time, but going though it again still amazed me and made my heart hurt. Nürnburg was the government center for Hitler. This is where he staged the big parades, had the 3 big swasticka flags flying, this is also where there were many videos shown of Hitler and 2 others walking to the memorial of the fallen soldiers. Therefore the German government decided this would be the place to have this museum. This museum was about the rise of Hitler and the atrocities he did and how he carried them out. It showed not only how the German army did what Hitler said, but the atrocities against the Jews and how the Americans liberated the Jews and help defeat the German army. We all walked out of the museum with hurting hearts. One of the main reasons they built this museum was to let it be a warning/reminder to future generations.

After the museum we went to the castle, which happened to be the oldest that we have seen on this trip. It is also the only castle in which no one ever lived, it was used like a hotel to royalty who were passing through but needed to conduct government business. This castle had no furniture, but it was due to the traveling nature of the royalty...they took their beds with them where ever they went. This castle was also an important place to the Roman government. There were 34 Roman emperors that had their first meal there (a tradition). This castle was 70% destroyed during World War 2, and the only place in the castle that wasn't damaged by the bombing was th chapel...hmmm...go figure!

After the castle we walked back to the train station, but on the way we stopped at a cafe for some really REALLY good ice cream. I normally don't eat ice cream (LGN diet), but this was AWESOME!!! While we were waiting for the train, a storm was approaching, complete with shelf and roll cloud. There was no shelter where we had to wait and we couldnt leave because the train was only minutes away. So the race was on...train against the storm. Thank You Jesus he held off the rain unti, right when the train got there. In fact we saw it and all of us were yelling "hurry!" The train won!

Tomorrow we go to Heidelburg which will be the last city in our tour, it is also my favorite city and castle!

Check out the pics...

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