July 3, 2011

Day 5 - July 3

In keeping with the church tradition of resting on Sunday, we did. We went to the Humpeneder's church this morning, a protestant church. Michael's girlfriend went there for the first time and really liked it and said she would go back again. It was a good service, they sang songs that we knew, however all but one was sung in German. The one that wasn't, the pastor told us was sung in English in honor of us. In fact, when the service started, she said they had some Americans visiting and were on their honeymoon...we got a round of applause. After church I talked with the pastor about bringing a short term mission team to their church. She was very interested in this and she wants to start communication about a possible trip...pretty cool!

After everything was over at the church, Erika showed us the classrooms that she teaches in. The church service is held in the local school. We went back to the Humpeneder's house, had lunch (goulash...very good), watched the pictures from our wedding from Paul and Aprils web site...paultidwellphotography.com

We kinda lounged around the house during the afternoon and evening, actually a good day of rest for the up coming week...quite a bit is planned. I did managed to get lured into wearing lederhosen. They were Gerharts, but since Manuel and Michael wore them, I thought why not. We did get pictures and I will upload them tomorrow.

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