July 10, 2011

Day 12 - July 10

Fortunately we were able to sleep in a bit and had a good breakfast. Afterward breakfast we finished grading Marcus' papers for his English class...and we were able to do them all, much to Marcus' surprise.

After a nice Sunday dinner with roasted pork and knoedel (a potato dumpling), we decided to drive to Hesselberg. We weren't entirely sure about going because it was very warm...well hot, but we are glad we decided to go because by the time we got to the hill, some thunderstorms developed in the distance and put a nice cloud shield over us making it cooler. We were not able to park at the top, so we had to walk up, which was nice, but again, thanks to Dan and his leg workouts!! We got to the top and it was beautiful! Much warmer than when I was here last! Fortunately, unlike yesterday, the biting flies were not totally unbearable! Found out that during the war, the US had an installation on top of the hill. Hesselberg is the highest point in the Ansbach region, and it is said that on a very clear day you can see the Alps from the top.

The storm clouds started getting closer, so we decided to leave and head to Brunn, which has a small lake near it. We actually went to the lake, passing through the small village of Brunn. We saw the Humpeneder's pastor at the lake. We stayed only a few minutes as the storms were getting closer...really it was the bolts of lightning that drove us off!

This evening we will view all the pictures the 3 of us have taken. Mine alone amount to over 1100! Tomorrow is our last full day in Germany, not sure what we will be doing during the day, but after Gerhard gets home from work, we will have a mini Oktoberfest to celebrate his birthday, complete with dirndls and lederhosen. We will then drive back to Würzburg, but not until what I believe will be a tearful goodbye.

To see pics, copy this link to your browser...


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