June 7, 2015

Germany: Day 2 - The Concert

Today was a very full day. We began by going to church with the Humpeneders at Lichtblick, a protestant church. Tammy and I have been there before, and it was good to go back. It was told to the speaker that 2 Americans were visiting, and he welcomed us in English but said unfortunately the message will be in German. I understood a little of what his message was about. They have a set up very similar to my church, Connection where they set up in a school.

(their worship team)

After church, Erika showed us the classrooms she teaches in which happens to be in the same school.

(Erika and Tammy in one of the classrooms)

We went back to the Humpeneder's for lunch, then it was off to Stuttgart for the Hillsong Young and Free concert. I've been looking forward to this, and it did not disappoint! Although it was hot (the arena was not air conditioned), we had a great time!

(entrance to the arena)

(the crowd before the concert started)

(left to right: Gerhart, Erika, Jenny, Christina, Manuel and Tammy)

This was my first Hillsong Concert and I was very impressed. Yes, they had a great light show and the music was amazing, but impressed that I really felt God's presence in this auditorium ministering to the young people. 

We took separate cars as we had to take Tammy to her hotel after the concert. I booked her hotel using hotel.com and going by the ratings others have given. The hotel was beautiful and the ratings were spot on! We ate a late dinner at the micro-brewery at the hotel and the food was fantastic! I had pork cheek with sweet and sour lentil. Tammy had some type of pork with spaetzel. We didn't get back home until 1230 AM (its currently 130 AM Monday). So here I am in Bergoberbach and Tammy is in Stuttgart. She will be getting picked up Monday around 215 PM by her boss who will take her to Oberjoch for a business conference.

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