Great nights sleep but woke up to the sound of rain. After going through my normal "pre-breakfast routine," Marcus and I headed to the Brothaus for breakfast. I'll let you decide if we had a good breakfast...
enough said, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words!
The rain started to let up, and according to the radar there was a break forming...AND the forecast radar imagery said the break would last for a few hours, enough to get in our activity which was a bike ride around Altmuehlsee, a small lake just outside of Bergoberbach. The German forecast radar is just as trustworthy as the National Weather Service forecast radar bites!!! When we got to the place where we rented the bike, the rain was light, but as we rode the 4+ miles, the rain got heavier. Now I said bike, singular, because we rented a 2-man rickshaw. Fortunately it was in the upper 50sand so the rain didn't feel as cold, especially after we got soaked when the wind blew the rain into where we were sitting, AND the cover over us, well, was not water resistant! Yada yada yada, we were soaked. When we got back to the rental place, the attendant looked at us and gave us one of the "yall were pretty stupid to be riding in this weather" smiles. We sat down and had a nice cup of hot chocolate. Our route was around the shores of the Altmuehlsee and it was about 8.6 miles in length. It was mostly asphalt with some gravel, but in the rain and not riding for about 2 or 3 months, I was a wee bit winded!
Our route
Marcus trying to sell me a new hat before we rode
Our rickshaw
A party boat with not much partying
Looking at the rain coming toward us
What we looked like before we left
And what we looked like when we got back...
Then a nice hot chocolate to warm us up
The rest of our day was spent doing a little laundry, eating pizza and hangin out. I did hear from Tammy this morning saying she had a good night sleep at the hotel. I haven't heard from her since but I'm sure she is having a good time. As some of you know, one of the reasons we are in Germany is because her company, EGO Products, is based in Germany and they have a company conference about every 2 years. This year it is in the village of Oberjoch (pronounced Ober-yok), which is down in the alps near the Austrian border. She was suppose to have a company dinner this evening and then the conference starts tomorrow.
Crucial update...after falling between 2 charis, I got arrested...again, by Michael. This time he brought an assistant to help him. At least this time he was wearing shoes!
There is a story why I fell, but I`m not gonna tell ya!
A Final Note...
I talked with Tammy via Facetime. It was a little jerky but we could understand each other. She is in a nice hotel in Oberjoch. She said the dinner laster 4 1/2 was a 6 course dinner. She is not sure what time she has to be where she needs to be, so she is hoping someone will tell her. She also said that she was fortunate that she ate lunch at the hotel before her boss picked her up because the other 2 guys who were traveling with them ended up stopping at, of all places, Burger King.
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