June 10, 2015

Germany - Day 5: Back to Munich

This morning started pretty chill, got up and going around 930 AM after going to bed at 230 AM. Michael and Renate picked me up around noon and off to get Tammy we went. Instead of going straight to Munich, we took the back roads which was nearly identical to a bike route that Tammy and I want to take the next time we are here. Our first stop along the way was Wulzburg. In particular Die Hohenzollernfestung. This was a castle that used to be a monestary and then turned over to the government. It now houses refugees from Iraq until they get asylum.

(sheep on the hillside)

The village of Wulzburg

Michael, Renate and me

From Wulzburg we went on to Eichstatt. Eichstatt was where Michael went to the police academy for 2 years. He is now a policeman for Ansbach...always nice to have around! At the top of one of the hills over looking Eichstatt was a castle. 

The castle seen from across the valley

entrance to the castle

the spiral stairs leading to the top of one of the towers

Eichstatt seen from the top of the tower

Inside the castle was a natural, mainly prehistoric museum. Of particular note was the very first discovery of the Archaeopteryx, a prehistoric bird first discovered here in Eichstatt. Also of note, in this region many fossils of fish were discovered as well as some reptiles.

Wooly mammoth and reindeer (neither a fish or a reptile, but it was on display, so I took the picture)

fossils of fish

prehistoric crocodile


Thankfully my friends were there to save me!

Our last stop before going to Munich was at the Dom in Eichstatt. The Dom is a catholic church with beautiful architecture...

We then went on to pick up Tammy at the Munich Airport. She was coming back from Oberjoch and we both got there at the same time. It was EXTREMELY good to see my baby! We went on into the city center of Munich to the Hofbrauhaus, a brewery that I visited back in 2009. It was just as crowded this time as last time. There was a traditional German polka band playing in the middle of the restaurant.

After a nice meal we thought we were going to the municipal building to hear the Glockenspiel. We got there at 855 PM, thinking we had 5 minutes to prepare to watch the Glockenspiel as the clock struck 9 PM. 9 PM came, no glock, 905, still no glock. At 910 we realize that we weren't going to see a glock...so we left. 

The municipal building

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