As you can see, they like taking the dogs to Hirschrevier. This one with Tammy is Jesse. There is a younger one called Gandolph, which is Jesse's son. And then there is Rocco, the dad. Gerhart likes to throw the ball and have Rocco get it. So Gerhart wanted to show us how Rocco did this, you really need to watch this video...
Once we figured out he was okay (all of 0.94 nanoseconds) we laughed what seemed like forever!
After leaving Hirschrevier, we went to Brombachsee. This is a lake that is used mainly for wind surfing, kite surfing, fishing, sail boating and this one excursion boat that we got to ride on. It was really nice. They served food and the views were spectacular. The weather made it even better!
After our boat tour, we headed to a sled coaster which was just a few miles down the road from the lake. I've always wanted to ride one of these and I finally did. Tammy was a bit apprehensive at first, but after the first run down, she really liked it, so we did it again...and a little faster too!
(that's Tammy up on the hill. Ropes pull us up the hill backwards...sorry for the shot of my hair in the pic)
(looking from where I came from, still going up the hill)
(Christian and Renate getting ready to go down hill)
Here is a video of mine and Tammy's final run...really more at the end of the run...
We had a great dinner of wurst and sauerkraut along with great conversation. A lot of our conversation revolves around English words and German words. Gerhart and I, although we may not understand each other verbally, we understand each other to a point where tonight we just started laughing and couldn't stop. The Humpeneders are an awesome family who treat us like one of their own, we love them very much!
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