June 16, 2015

Germany - Day 10/11: From Ansbach to Atlanta

We are back home now, got back to Atlanta around 230 PM this afternoon, Tuesday June 16. I wasn't able to make an entry last night, details a little later on, but I wanted to let y'all know what we did yesterday, Monday, June 15.

We slept in a bit, then headed off to the Brothaus (pronounced brote-house meaning bread house...their version of Panera or the Atlanta Bread Company). This is where Marcus and I ate exactly 1 week ago while Tammy was in Oberjoch. When she saw the pictures of what Marcus and I ate, she got a little jealous, so she wanted to eat there. She and I got the same thing that Marcus and I got last week.

Marcus' grandfather lived in a nursing home across the street from the Brothaus so we decided to go and visit him. He was in the dining room eating with his friends, but then when he met us, he wanted to show us his room. After we got to his room we discovered that he knew a little english. As we talked with him, Marcus being our interpreter, we discovered that he fought for Germany during World War 2, was capture and put in an American prison, then put into a French prison. After he was released, he worked for an American company. I think my dad and Marcus' grandfather would have loved to talk to each other. What I found really cool is that although he fought for the other side, we now are speaking as friends! He was very welcoming and seem to really enjoy talking with us.

Afterwards we went shopping at the mall in Ansbach, then crossed over the pedestrian bridge into the city center. They still have a piece of the Berlin wall just on the other side of the bridge. Needless to say we did a bit of shopping.

The Pedestrian Bridge

Pice of the Berlin Wall


After we got back to the Humpeneder's, Erika made a wonderful "good-bye" dinner for us with one of my favorite German dishes, a knoodle (pronounced can-noodle). 

After dinner Tammy suggested a walk, so we all took the dogs for a nice walk. 

One thing I need to note...I always wondered why the German houses had blinds on their windows that completely blocked out the sunlight. I finally figured it out. It gets daylight around 4 AM and the sun doesn't go down until 10 PM. They are much further north than Atlanta.

We had a fantastic stay at the Humpeneders! It gets more difficult to say good bye each time we leave because we get to know this family better and better. Fortunately for us we will see Marcus and Stefi in 2 months as they will be coming for a visit. For the others, it may be 2 years before we get to see each other again. They treated Tammy and I like we were their family. I reallly can't say enough good things about the Humpeneders, although they are on the other side of the pond, they are part of our family!

We left for the airport at 530 AM this morning which was 1130 PM Monday evening. The flight was 9 1/2 hours and we got into Atlanta around 230 PM. I got a little sleep but not much and the same with Tammy.

We had an awesome time in Germany and we look forward to future travels there. This will be my last entry on this trip, I hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures! God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. I was the first American to rent the loft above their house in Burgoberbach . I knew Marcus as a 6 year old. Really a nice family
