April 11, 2016

30 Days of Biking: Day 11

Day 11: The Birthday Ride

Today I turned 53 years old. Yep, over half a century. Most of the time I don’t feel like I’m 53, and a lot of that I have to credit keeping active, going to the gym and definitely biking! Biking is my outlet, its how I relieve any stress that has built up. It also energizes me both mentally and physically (although after a long strenuous ride I feel like I could lay down for days!). I really wanted to do more than my normal road ride around my house, but unfortunately it was also my third midnight shift and my body was definitely in midnight mode (where you don’t want to do anything except exist). But I did manage to do a little more than I normally do around the house.

I could see the storm clouds rolling in, but I did take some time to take more pictures of the beautiful countryside here in northwest Coweta County Georgia. The dogwoods this spring were absolutely beautiful and I was able to get a picture of what would probably be the last of the dogwood flowers this season.

It was a good ride and a great birthday ride! Here are the stats…

Total Miles Today:  6.6
Total April Miles.: 84.4

more friends along the country roads

Last of the dogwood flowers

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