April 4, 2016

30 Days of Biking: Day 4

Day 4: Gettin' Some Miles In

Beautiful afternoon in Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia and a great day for riding at Cochran Mills! I wanted to get some miles in, and after riding a little more than 6 miles for the last 3 days, I was able to get in 13.5 miles in, woohoo! I hit the red trails first which are a bit more technical than the yellow trails which I did last.

I had a close encounter with a native of the area, a raccoon that wanted to use the same trail I was using. He stopped and looked at me for a minute, but then he thought climbing a tree would be better than looking at me...go figure! 

On the way back I ran into an acquaintance from my Stinky Trail days, Kurt, who placed 5th in a race at Tsali this past weekend. Haven't seen him in over a year and it was good to catch up with him. He was riding on the trails with his 2 sons...the next set of racers I can only imagine!

Total Miles Today: 13.5
Total April Miles.: 32.9

Friend on the Trails
Entrance to Cochran Mills Park

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