April 26, 2016

30 Days of Biking: Day 26

Day 26: Wildlife at Cochran Mill

I've been looking forward to this ride. After a week of stationary bike and road riding, I was finally able to get back on the dirt trails at Cochran Mill Park. It was a beautiful late afternoon, everything has leafed out and greened up. It was beautiful (check out the pics). I also saw more wildlife on this ride than I've ever seen at Cochran Mill. There were 3 deer on the Yellow Loop, and right before finishing the Yellow Loop, a black rat snake took his time crossing the trail. He just sat there looking at me, then just took his sweet rat snake time crossing the trail. Hey, it gave me a little break, but it was an awesome ride!

Here are today's stats...

Total Miles Today:   14.1
Total April Miles.: 179.0

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