April 21, 2016

30 Days of Biking: Day 21

Day 21: Oops! I did it again!

Another beautiful day in Savannah, my last full day here for the EMAG Conference. Unfortunately the day started off rather abruptly with the fire alarm going off at 555 AM. I was in a real nice sleep too! Then the intercom came on and said we are investigating the alarm, please stay put. So I laid there, with a bright white flashing light...wondering if I should get up or not. Then after about 10 minutes, the intercom came back on and said the alarm has been remedied, sorry for the inconvenience. Hmmm! So I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't and I was in the "fog" for the rest of the day.

For my ride through Savannah today, I should've seen this...

and this....

and this...

but instead I saw this...

And why you ask???? Because I waited too long to call the bike shop and reserve the bikes! Yep, they were all out of rentals. There was another bike shop, but they rented Cruiser bikes. One has one's standards to uphold! And I didn't want to look like I had Toto in the basket on my handle bars, so we decided to go back to the fitness center at the hotel and do the stationary bike just one more time!

So here are today's stats...

Total Miles Today:  12.2
Total April Miles.: 149.3

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