Today was more of a recovery day for me. After 15 days of riding at least 3 miles or more (yeah, the minimum of 5 miles of day has kinda gone away, but having said that, I am keeping my minimum ride length to no less than 3 miles...most of the time) and after a really good day at Blankets yesterday, my legs were a wee bit sore so I did a LRR. This is what I also call the "Chase by the 2 dogs down the street because a neighbor can't control their dogs" ride. Yep, there is a home down the road from me where about half the time I ride by, they have 2 dogs that run and chase me. But they also chase cars, so I'm in good company. Other than running beside me and chasing me, they really don't show any other signs of aggression, so I keep riding. They aren't big dogs, rather small, and, for lack of a better word, ugly dogs...they are not really that pleasant to look at.
Along another section of road I ride, there is a green barn, rather picturesque, and that is the barn you seen in the picture below.
Here are today's stats...
Total Miles Today: 3.4
Total April Miles.: 113.0
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