April 14, 2016

30 Days of Biking: Day 14

Day 14: Trail Building and a Loop

My best friend, Dan,  came over this morning and we worked on the mountain bike trails we are building on my property. I have 5.5 acres with most of it wooded, 2 small streams running through it, some decent elevation and deep gulleys that the streams have carved out. We have been working on this for a few months. Trail building from scratch is not as easy as it sounds, especially when you have bridges to build. For us, so far, we will be building 4 bridges, two of them are going to be about 20 feet long...that'll take some engineering. If anyone has any ideas to pass on for building 20 foot long bridges over a waterway, let me know!

Afterwards I did my ride, a short one and not meeting my 5 mile goal, but I call trail building part of riding...right!?!?!?!

Here are today's stats...

Total Miles Today: 3.3
Total April Miles.: 97.5

Tom Witcher Road

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