April 15, 2016

30 Days of Biking: Day 15 - Blankets Creek

Day 15: Blankets Creek

I’ve been looking forward to this day for 2 reasons. Reason 1 - this was the day I would break 100 miles for the month of April, and I did it in the first half of April. Definitely on my way to a 200 mile month…we’ll see. Reason 2 - riding with my man John at Blankets Creek. If you’ve never been riding at Blankets Creek, take the time out to do it. You can make a full day out of it by riding Blankets in the morning, and then drive over to Rope Mill aka Taylor Randolph Memorial Park just a few miles away. I rode Rope Mill a few years ago.  We didn’t hit it today, but its a good trail system to ride.

Back to Blankets. Excellent set of trails, very smooth and flowy with the occasional roots and rocks, and of course uphills but with some good payoff. The weather was excellent, not too hot or cold, sunny. After riding for the past 14 days, I was wondering how I was going to do on this trail, but I surprised myself and did pretty good. Legs were a little sore, but other than that, I was doing good. It was also good to hang with John, a good riding partner and all around real cool dude!

Here are today's stats...

Total Miles Today:    12.1
Total April Miles.:  109.6

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