April 12, 2016

30 Days of Biking: Day 12

Day 12: A Neighborly Ride

About a week ago, my neighbor injured the muscle in his leg. The doc said for him not to ride for at least 7 days. Today was day 7, so he did 1 lap on the roads around our homes. That totaled 3.25 miles. He called it quits and I did another lap to get me above 5 miles. 

Thought I was going to be riding around in some showers this afternoon, but when I woke up this afternoon (yes, still on midnight shifts, I got one more tonight), the sun was out and it was beautiful. Right before I started the ride, a local was out sunning himself (see pic). I was going to see if he wanted to ride, but I think his legs were too short :)

Here are today's stats...

Total Miles Today:  6.5
Total April Miles.: 90.9

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